Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Bitch Manifesto By Joreen Freeman - 898 Words

Feminist Movements started long before 1960, with the advancement of women earning the right to vote. However, it did not stop with that change. There were many other items that the women in history hoped to change, not only to better their own lives, but also the women of the future. With the use of many documents, such as flyers, letters, and boycotts, women of the past changed many different aspects of life for women in the world today. Boycotting the Miss America Pageant in 1968 and 1969, circulating flyers around America, was just the beginning of this second movement. They also used to write to convey their thoughts. One of which was titled â€Å"The Bitch Manifesto† and was written in 1968 by Joreen Freeman. The second was a spin- off from a children’s book entitled â€Å"There was a Young Women Who Swallowed a lie† which was written in 1970 by Meredith Tax. â€Å"Slavery Exists!† Reported by a flyer that circulated around America in 1968. At this time, slavery as we remember was over, so to many at the time, what the women were proclaiming may have been confusing to some. This circulated around before the Miss America pageant. The Washington Women’s Liberation were portraying the pageant to slavery because Miss America was a slave to cultural norms of the time, â€Å"the image of sex, virginal prettiness, glory of war, mindless conformity, acceptance of racism, cult of youth, the competitive spirit, and the capitalistic system.† With this flyer, they were hoping to gather others who

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